To get the HTML source code of your email signature in SyncSignature, follow these steps:
- Go to Signature Section:
- Navigate to the MY SIGNATURES section where your existing signatures are listed.
- Select the Signature:
- Find the signature you want to get the HTML code for and open it.
- Get HTML Code:
- Look for an option “DOWNLOAD HTML”. This will give you a file with HTML source code of your signature.
- Open HTML file:
- To get the code, you will have to open that file with a text editor and you will see the code that you can copy.
- Another way could be, you open the downloaded HTML file in a browser by double clicking on that and then right click on browser page and select View Page Source option that will open the code for you.
- Copy HTML Code:
- Copy the HTML code and paste it into your email client or any other platform that supports HTML signatures.