To Import and Manage teammates in SyncSignature, follow these steps:
- Import or add Teammates:
- You can import team in bulk via CSV file. Google Workspace users can be imported by connecting Google Workspace account and giving necessary permissions to SyncSignature via Google admin.
- You can also add teammates manually by clicking on Add teammates button and filling their details.
- Invite Teammates:
- Go to Teammates section, select the Teammates you want to send invitations to. Teammates need to have a signature assigned to them in order to get an invite.
- Send invitations to your teammates. They will receive an invite to join the workspace.
- Teammates can log in using the invitation link and manage their basic details and signatures.
- Assign Roles:
- Assign appropriate roles to teammates: Owner, Manager, or Teammate.
- Managers can manage signatures, templates, and teammates within the workspace they are invited to, while teammates can only manage their own signatures.
- Organize with Groups:
- Group teammates based on departments or other criteria, then assign templates to these groups for bulk signature management.
- Move Teammates Between Groups:
- If needed, teammates can be moved between groups, and their signatures will be updated accordingly.
By following these steps, you can efficiently import and manage teammates within your workspaces. You can follow step-by-step video tutorial as well.